What Are the Benefits of Connecting Looker to Google Sheets?

Lookup is considered to be one of the most powerful Business Intelligence platforms. It helps users to create interactive and dynamic dashboards. But despite the extensive visualization offered by Looker, doing tons of customizability won’t be easy. That’s why many users connect Looker to Google Sheets to simplify data processing. Pairing these two amazing platforms could offer numerous benefits, and a few of them are listed below -
  1. No coding - Most people do not have enough knowledge of coding, which becomes a hindrance in using Looker efficiently. Google Sheets allow users to manipulate Looker data easily with the help of spreadsheets.
  2. Faster modelling - Connecting Looker to Google Sheets offers faster speed to insight which many users demand. It enables them to export Looker data quickly and efficiently.
  3. Ease of experimenting - Although Looker is a powerful tool, the problem is that experimenting with data and prototype models is difficult in Looker. In contrast, Google Sheets are much easier and more flexible, which enables users to test "what if" scenarios with data sets. Later the users can undergo the process of implementing them in Looker.
You must connect Looker to Google sheets if you don’t want to miss growth and success opportunities. It will assist you in simplifying and streamlining the processing of volumes of business-critical data. There are several methods of integrating these two platforms, but you must find the most suitable one. One such platform is Coefficient which many users widely trust. So, you also must give it a try!